Friday, September 13, 2013


I know I've only been here a little over a week, but going to a ceilidh was the most fun I've had yet. (Pronounced kay-lee for y'all Texans out there going, "What's a sell-id?") Not that I'm much of a cowgirl back in Houston, but the ceilidh was one of my favorite things because it reminded me of home and it was just fun- simple as that. Again, for my Texans- it's Scottish line dancing. You're in a big, open space, and the band members briefly give you instructions on how the following dance goes. (Of course, the Scottish grow up learning these dances and know them perfectly.) Everyone starts dancing as soon as the music begins, and you twirl about the floor trying to keep your balance and stay with the music. I think I had a smile on my face the entire two hours (yes- it's a workout!) I can't wait to go to these more often, they're simply the best. If you're interested, google/youtube "Gay Gordons," "Strip the Willow," "Dashing White Sergeant," or "Flying Scotsman" because those were my favorite :)

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