Sunday, July 21, 2013

Recap of the Past

I think it's safe to say that the past eighteen years of my life have been anything but uneventful. As I started looking through different bucket lists to get ideas of things I want to do in my life, I came across several suggestions that I've already completed. Rather than fill this blog with moments of my past, I've decided to dedicate this post to briefly explaining my experiences before starting my new adventures.

Go Parasailing 
Not exactly the joy ride I was expecting, I went parasailing the summer after my 8th grade year while in Hawaii. My cousin and I nervously signed the liability wavers and began our adventure. Though the takeoff from the boat brings on extreme anxiety, after the adrenaline rush rubs off, you can finally look around at the beautiful surroundings. It is really breathtaking to be able to see so much beauty. Every where you turn your head, there is something new and interesting to look at. Right when you get comfortable and feel calm, it's time to land. While my cousin gracefully landed on the back of the boat, my uncoordinated self had a bit more trouble. All in all, it was an interesting experience but unlike what I had expected.

Ride a Mechanical Bull 
When I came across this suggestion while researching my ultimate bucket list, I had to laugh- so I thought I'd include it. As a proud Texan, riding a mechanical bull does not seem that rare. Yes, it's true that I hate when people stereotype Texans asking if we ride our horses and/or tractors to school (in fact, I'm actually extremely allergic to horses.) However, with this being said, I have attended several parties that have a mechanical bull available for anyone who wants to ride. At a recent graduation party, I seized the opportunity to ride... several times. People encouraged me to... I guess it's an amusing thought: someone with poor coordination trying to balance on a contraption that flings you around. (Un)fortunately, I lived up to expectations and flew off every time.

Go to Paris 
Throughout my life, I've been incredibly blessed with opportunities to travel the world. After my 6th grade year my family went on a Mediterranean cruise. We went to Croatia, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Monaco (each place was amazing, but being on a cruise limited our time- so I'd really like to go back to several of these locations.) I also participated in Summer study abroad programs in Costa Rica, Italy, and Barcelona/Paris (If you're every in Barcelona, go see Park Güell- easily makes my list of Top 5 Coolest Things I've Ever Seen). I've loved traveling and am looking forward to having the chance to do this more in the future. Though I've seen some beautiful places, I've always said that Paris is my favorite place in the world. Always. Even though I had never been there before last June. My parents would always try to correct me when I said that it was my favorite place, but I was stubborn in my decision. The idea of Paris, everything I had seen and heard about Pairs, made me certain that I would love it. I was also determined to charm the Parisians. Last summer I had the opportunity to go with a group of students from high school to Paris on an Arts Abroad trip. And as luck would have it, my birthday took place during the trip. so I got to walk the steps of the Eiffel Tower on my birthday- a day I will not soon forget. Though I hope to see many more sites in my future, Paris will always hold a special place in my heart.

Lose Weight/Get Healthy 
Though talking about this embarrasses me, my mom encouraged me to include this in my post. Last summer, I decided it was time to make a lifestyle change and began working out and eating healthier (though I do have my weaknesses.) I have lost over fifty pounds, which I guess is noticeable when looking at photos. Like I said, talking about this sometimes makes me uncomfortable, so I'm keeping this part short. If you'd like more information, contact me. 

High Tea at Harrod's 
When I went to London with one of my best friends this past summer, we decided to partake in the obligatory high tea experience. Honestly, there's not much to say. The finger sandwiches were delicious. The scones were fantastic (especially with clotted cream!) It was a very enjoyable time (minus a few employees that were not too interested in helping us out.)

From here on out my blog posts will be current, but I thought it would be interesting to include these experiences.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Be Adventurous

I've always admired my older brothers, and from an early age, I wanted to be just like them. I planned on attending the same high school and university, I thought I had it all figured out. So it came as a complete surprise to people when I announced that instead of going to my "dream school" for college, I'd be moving "across the pond" to Scotland. Then again, I've never been one to do what's expected.
Every time I come home from Europe, I immediately want to go back. As I began compiling things that I wanted to do or goals I wanted to achieve on my "BucKIT List," many included different sites to see around Europe. So I thought to myself, why not get a great education overseas and spend four years exploring the world? And that's just what I'll be doing.
For the amount of things I want to do and try, I sometimes shy away from adventure. Therefore, I wanted to really push myself out of my comfort zone and begin living the life I want to live. So I'm taking a leap (a very large one) and moving to another country, hoping that this "being adventurous" will push me to achieve more risks on my list.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Meet Chandler Parsons

A while back, I made it my goal to meet Houston Rocket's heartthrob Chandler Parsons. At the time that my "fan girl-ing" over him began, he was not a very well known player. Therefore, when I actually met him, people weren't too impressed. They knew he was a promising basketball player but that was about it.
So June 2012, I had to balance mixed emotions as I attempted to keep my cool in front of Parsons, while also explaining to the people around me who he was and why I was so excited.
Now, of course, he's a quite remarkable player liked by men and women for his skill (and beauty!)
Though I wish I could relive this moment and retake this photo (considering it was taken a year ago post workout and pre weight-loss) I will continue to bask in the glory of this photo and the knowledge that I knew of him back before his extreme popularity.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Create a Successful Blog

Over the past few years, I have (unsuccessfully) started several blogs. Though I posted frequently at the beginning, my eagerness began to fizzle and fade.
I had one blog dedicated to my life and another centered around the crazy people in my life. I also started a creative writing blog and one about my quest to watch and review interesting movies. None of these lasted.
However, I've spent some time thinking about how to combine these ideas into one blog. Why? Maybe because I'm starting a new chapter in my life and want a way to keep track of it. Maybe to insure I'm always writing and never bored. Or maybe just because I want to.
When I thought of the idea "BucKIT List," I was quite proud because I had found a way to incorporate my name (Kit) into a commonly used term- I do understand that bucket is spelled with an "et" and wanted to clarify this point.
I plan on writing down things I hope and dream to do, and to explain how they went when I achieve them.
So here's to a new journey: to trying new, adventurous things; to posting frequently (hopefully); and to entertaining my reader(s) (again, hopefully)!

Disclaimer: If you're looking for perfect spelling and incredible vocabulary, look elsewhere.